Food4Pups Roadmap

Project Details


This app designed to connect caring individuals with nearby stray or injured animals in need. Snap a photo of the animal you encounter, and post it so nearby users will receive notifications, enabling them to offer assistance such as providing food or aid or even if you have extra food they can take and feed nearby animals. Using this app people can be help the animals if you have time but not food pick the food some is offering and feed to animals.

Current Status

As of now

Next Milestones

Future Features

List of planned features to be implemented in future releases.

Major Feature 1: Food chains and NGO onboarding


Food4Pups is started to help people connect with stray or injured animals nearby. The app lets users take pictures of animals in need and post them so others nearby can offer help, like food or assistance. Right now, you can log in, see nearby animal posts, and add new ones.

Next, we have different stages to improve the app. Milestone 1 is about adding essential features like detailed posts, user profiles, and notifications. Milestone 2 will make big changes to how food, donations, and rankings work, making it easier for people to help and track their contributions. Milestone 3 is about getting ready to release a test version of the app, making sure everything looks good and works well.

In the future, we want to add features like connecting with food businesses to give leftover food to animals. This could really help animals and reduce food waste. But it might take some time because we need to work out some legal stuff first. Overall, we're trying to make it easier for people to help animals in need and make a positive impact on the environment

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Send your valuable suggestions through contact me section and add subject as "food4pups" as its has pre setup for feedback and documentation steps.

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